Do you beleive there is too much violence in the world?How do you think Photography and Movies play
there is alot of violenec in the worls espacially in 2015. there is so mant things happing that i see in news with this generations....
What is more important to you... Appearance or Personality? How and what do you do to show that in a
i belive that your personality is much better then looks. you can be the most beautiful person in the world but also have the worst...

List 5 to 10 things your are afraid of and take pictures of them.
on thing im afraid of is a spider and im sure that every on is scared of spide rand much less taking a picture of one. they are creppy...
What do you think about having set rules for people to follow?
what i think about haveing rules is that we should but only should have them at a certian extent. some rules are not even nessasary to...
If you had to describe yourself as a color, which would you choose? How would you use that choice to
if i could describe my self in one color it would be a light baby blue because i think blue repersents a cool color and a calm. it also...

20 places i want to travel and take photos
anada. i want to visit canada because moslty all pictures i see are snow and mountians. it just always looks so beautifuland i would love...
what is the great next thing photography needs? what would you invent?
the next great thing photography needs is cheaper and very good qaulity pictures for a camera.also a smaller one but a really good...
what would it be like if photograph was never invented?
if photograph was never invented then i think the would would be a total differnt world. with out if we would never see how the world...

list 20 things you would never eat but that looks good in pictures.
i dont like blueberrys by them selfs but i do like like muffins and things like that. they are just so sour to me and some a mushy. I...

what kind if photographs make you laugh?
photography makes me laugh in many ways. I remeber you always have to have fun with it which some times makes it funny. one reason is...