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What do you think about having set rules for people to follow?

what i think about haveing rules is that we should but only should have them at a certian extent. some rules are not even nessasary to have and we dont need them but some rules are nessasry. the world would be a much worse place to be in. there would be many laws broken. people wouldent have a education whch leads to not a very good life. but in school there are some rules that are kinda dumb. like on is you cant have have earphones when your working but for some people like me maybe we need that music to foucus more. now more then ever i think that teen are more in to music and rap so we should be able to. if its called a freecounty i feel like we should be more freeer. yes with every thing there are rules but agian they are good to a setain extent. when you sent expictaations or rules that you need to follow and ith those rules there are cants and cant does and it just makes me wont to do it more. rules thugh are very importent. for all we know with out rules people can be naked in school. more crimes in the world. or with airports. that i see is comletly nessary beacuse you never know whats going to happen . there are many crazy people in this world that a cappable of more then we think. jail proably wouldsnt excit or prison. rueles is like saying no camera in ths world and it would just be very wierd and strange.also kids/adults/teens/ oldpeople would have to clean and parents would care.i just think the world would be very differnt with oout rules it would be destrpyed and ruend if on day we didnt foloow rules world.

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