In 10 Years I will be....
in ten years i will be almost done with college at the U of A hopefully. i want my fine arts degree so i can be a photographer to like...

Show in photographs the phrase "The Cloths Make the Man." as you interpret the meaning.
when i think of this i think that thats what you give for as your frist impression. when you think of it you want to make an impression...
are you afraid to show your photographs to the world because they might be GOOD
to be honsest with you i am or would be very nervous to show my photos to the worl but also awesome at the same time i would love to do...
list 5 things that make a photograph beautiful
1.the picture with good light. 2. a good balance of things in the picture. 3.good colors in the picture. 4.a great smile in a photo, if...
what are 3 things you worry most about photography?
the thing i worry most about about photography is"will my picture turn out how i want it to'" because sometimes the av is to low our too...
What is the first thing that comes to your mind, just before you take a picture?
the frist thing that comes to mind before taking a picture is i hope this turns out good and how i want it. i think of how it will turn...

List 20 things you wish were never invented.
trashwas neverinvented because it can help oceans and animals. algerbra never should have beeen invented beacause it is very useless...
What is the best advise you have ever recieved?
the best advice i have ever recived is to do what you love at the momment and to work as hard as possible, my mom and dad tell me thus...

What are your 5 most favorite photographs? Why?
i like this picture of a sunset becuse it is very pretty and the is stuff to look at the cluds look amazing too. i like this beacuse it...
Would you want to be a paparatzi photographer, chasing celebrities around trying to capture image?
no i wouldnt want to be a paparitiz. for one you have to chace the people all the time and your just invading peoples privacy in my eyes....