what is the great next thing photography needs? what would you invent?
the next great thing photography needs is cheaper and very good qaulity pictures for a camera.also a smaller one but a really good qaulity.and i phones are much better qaulity to. phtotgraphy has been so much bbetter and coming out with so much better thing more filters to.in my world my next big thing/invention would be soething called a multi-camera. if would have so many realy cool features like it would look like reagular camera but it would have so many things. one thing id a little slip for poluroid and i would come out same qaulity and sixe just like a poliroaid cameria. another thing if so many flters on a butten so you dont have so edit is and a touchable screen like a computer and also a little digatal printer in the camerathere would be so mant feauters another thing would be cool is like if you swallow a little camera and just documnting your hole like. no 24/7 but the camera would atomckely know when to turn them selfs on and you could only take it out but throwing it out. so those are somethings i would do. with iphoens and there cameras im excited o see what is in store for that i very intested what the iphone 7 or if there will be an i phone 7. i think we should make like little prortable cameras and just take them were you want. i think that that would be really cool and awseome. we also need wifi portables like if you go out of state or somethinglike when i go to mexico icant getwifi what so over and we should hav unlimmeted wifi on our phoes and not having to pay for th em ist not right. with out camera this world would be a disatser and just makeing miore and cool uptates im very excited to see what is next in the future.