Blog about your latest Photoshoot.
this was a photoshoot was with my sister as always she is always my model and just took some pictures at the district a place called wish...
Blog about your latest Photoshoot.
latest photoshoot was will my friend amanda and taking pictures to make them better in photoshop but it was just me and her and we were...
What 3 things do you worry about most in photography?
3 things that worry me most in photography are the lighting/exposure.In my opinion this is the most important thing if you can't see...
latest photoshoot
my latest photoshoot was just this weekend and it was down in the strip just taking picyures we go here all the time but experience like...
List 5 things that help make a photograph beautiful.
5 things that make a photography beautiful1.the object.thing or person really is the subjest of thee photo and it makes it so beautiful...
blog about your latest photoshoot
my latest photoshoot was on febuary 7 2017 was the sunset picture with my sister lily who was my model she was very good it was very...
What is the first thing that comes to your mind, just before you take a picture?
the first thing that comes to mind right when i take a picture is i guess me just testing out if i have good lighting and my surroundings...
latest photoshoot
lateset photshoot took place in my backyard and i took pictures of my sister and my sister is the worst model becasue she is always on...

what are you faviorte photographs?why?
ernest hass took this picture and i like iy alot it empty but still so much in the picture and pefecr season. this picture is jsut at a...
Blog about your latest Photoshoot.
my latest photoshoot was on a Monday in the studio at school trying out all the different things you do and different angles to deal...