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what would it be like if photograph was never invented?

if photograph was never invented then i think the would would be a total differnt world. with out if we would never see how the world would be. like paris or london. yeah there is art but i do belive that in a photo you see much more.dont get me wrong i love art but i just think when you take a picture is captures why much more. another reason why the world would be so differnt and uncomplete with photography is the war and holocaust. with out pictures we would be able to experice what are counrty did for the war. the holocaust had to be the most defistating thing i have ever heard of. Some people say that thing never happen but how can you not see what was right in front of you and on a picture so if there was no photos to prove that how do you know if it was real or not.i think if color was never invented in pictires it would be very differnt and i winder why color wasnt invented earlier in even electricty and thing there were as much brains as there where in 1800s but not my place to juge. i just think the world would be very differnt if phtography was never invented. i love photography i love the value or balave ad things like that in a picture. the world would jsut be so differnt. i dont even think that computer would be invented if this was never invented i dot think alot of things would be invented beacuse its such an importent thing in this world. or say you want to go on a trip to like hawi and want to go on a computer whitch propbly wouldnt be invented if photography wasnt so how would you know if this place is rlly uagly plsce like in a hotel to. belive it or not you really need it. another reason is advertiding and commercels. you would never know how a food looks like so how do you know if its good or not . same with clothes at JC penny you have to see your self if you want ot. it would just be so wierd with out photography. and ant social media would never be invented. espacially insagram and face book, nno social media i bet you would never be invented beacause what would be the point nothing.

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