If you had to describe yourself as a color, which would you choose? How would you use that choice to
if i could describe my self in one color it would be a light baby blue because i think blue repersents a cool color and a calm. it also repersents a loyal person with wisdom and some kindness. i also really like this color it so pretty and i brings me joy. i also thinkk of the ocean and sea and heaven and the sky. i just think that its just such a happy and prett color. i also think that it is such a common color every where. its also the color of the sky and i really like that it is just such a nice color like a peace color. i would choose this to make my selfie beter by maybe putting some type of filter on itnand i would also make it with be showiing a loyal person and a nice one to.maybe sit by the ocan and take a picture. the world i also feel like repersents blue and i also likea mint type of greenish blueish is a very pretty color. i could also use a ticknet to make my pictures better by they sky can be a really big thing it can be you with the sky in the background to make your background of your slefie better.