list 20 things you would never eat but that looks good in pictures.

i dont like blueberrys by them selfs but i do like like muffins and things like that. they are just so sour to me and some a mushy.

I dont like peanut butter because i dont like how the texture feels in my mouth.i hate the smell and it is to creamy

.tilapia is a fish that I dont like. i dont like most fish but i really hate this one because it still tastes like its uncooked and like rubber. i dont like the smell like most things i dont like

Rasin cookies look like chocolate chips cookies and ive mistaken rasin cookies for chocolate chip cookies many times. when bite in to a rasin lry taste like im eating an eraser.

I absolutly hat hummus. hummus looks very good but it actully taste like sand and has no flavor at all.

spagetti squash looks very good. it looks like regular spagetti put is realy nasty. it has no flavor and i feel like im eating something rubberish

pears look like apples and apples are my faviorte fruit and when i tred a pear it was to soft and nasty.

cocnuts smell really good but are very nasty escpally the shreds of cocnuts beacuse they have no flavoe i really just dont like them.

i dont like oninon rings beacause i dont like onions and they just come out of the fried part.

this is cauliflower. i dont like it beacuse it has no flaver what so ever.

i dont likw nature vallly bars beacuse they are to hard and i dry i i just dont like them.

i dont like lam beacuse it taste like it is un cooked and lookes uncoked

i dont like egges like this but i do like them scrabbled but when it is like this i dont like the yellow.

i dont lke sour cream beacuse it looks like whipcream bit i just don like it