Do you beleive there is too much violence in the world?How do you think Photography and Movies play
there is alot of violenec in the worls espacially in 2015. there is so mant things happing that i see in news with this generations. there is just alot of wierd people out there. for example there is what happen in paris. i feel like there is alot will be alot in the future ij big citys or states. new york, los angoles or vegas. many placces. photography plays in this because photograhers are the ones who actually to see and thats how we contacted the news here from there. so thats just a really big part. and movie and tv shows can play in this ole because the phsychs get ides from this movies so yeah i do think there is alot os abuse and viloence in this world because like animals ive seen pictures its very sad and i hate it i would love to help but people not the word beacuse the world isnt bad he people are bad and the people arent bad something makes them bad.