What is more important to you... Appearance or Personality? How and what do you do to show that in a
i belive that your personality is much better then looks. you can be the most beautiful person in the world but also have the worst personality. there are some great amazing people in this world and you can be ugaly but be great. now more then ever i think that apperance means every thing. your clothes, shoes,hair phone etc. i feel like if you dont have the latest thing your not awesome when really you are. there are also really fake people in this world and being fake towards some one van lead to the apperance of the cituation because his popular and things like that. most people that i meet who think they are the bom dot come beacuse they have really awesome things but really not they can be rude. and the people who are in the corner is really nice or it can be the total oppsite and the people you think are in the connor really nice but really are the rude ones and the people who think there the bom dot come but reall arent cause they dont think they are can be running like a charity or something. soi our our world or universe shouldnt juge a boook by its cover. another thing is that you can be a total phsyco but nobody knke beacuse others think that apperace is cool. you can be really popular and be a total phsycho and wired :)