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Would you want to be a paparatzi photographer, chasing celebrities around trying to capture image?

no i wouldnt want to be a paparitiz. for one you have to chace the people all the time and your just invading peoples privacy in my eyes. if i were in there shoes i wouldnt want someone consantly taking a picture every where i would go like the kardashens. i dont know how they do it but i guess they used to it but still.. say you with a guy and your a girl every magazine you see in fake only people magazibne but sti;; you cant say stiuff that isnt even true and it can be imbarrsing i just cant imagine a your world with that. you cant even go grocey shopping beacsue of people' look its kylie jenner eating chetoes ohhh noooo' i just really dont think its right it likle freedom and if paparatiz were to feel the same way the would feel invated in the privacy.yes it does make alot of money and it worth it for them but not so much others just looking at it is sad but thats just my pinion and i woulkd not want to be a papratiz for no reason at all



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