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What is the best advise you have ever recieved?

the best advice i have ever recived is to do what you love at the momment and to work as hard as possible, my mom and dad tell me thus alot becuse they always want was it best for me so i do it not only for mr but also for them to make them proud.i hace come from that because iknow do waht i like to do. like do photography and to draw. also to do my school work and have good grades, in all of my classes. i also really do like to makemy parent very pround of me. to have previlafes like going places. another advice is keep enimes and fiends closer types of stuff like every one heras beuase they can come up your back like a snake and be there and you already have you frist move hahahh.also being very nice to people because they coiuld be nice to you so you have a really nice life and stuff.

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