20 places i want to travel and take photos

anada. i want to visit canada because moslty all pictures i see are snow and mountians. it just always looks so beautifuland i would love to stay here and want to live here and take beautiful pitures all the time
india. i want to go to india because it is just so beautiful and i really wannt to vist beacause it is such an amazing culture and rescently they this thing called a color festiable where there is just colors and lights everywhere.

of course i really want to go to paris becasue in the night it would look so pretty and beautiful pictures could be taken.and the locks on the birge. just really want to go there to and amazing place.

london. i want to go to london because who doesnt. well parent trap was there and ever since i watched that movie when i was 7 i have always wanted to go there. i just look like a beautiful place and just going to the hiest place there and take a picture of the hole city.

alaska. i want to go here not only for the beautiful mountians the cold which i love the trees and times of years where its always dark or its always light. and taking pictures of the light in the night would just be an amzing experience.

this is hawii. i want to go here beuse of the amazing mountians and so many differnt things you can to there. i would just be good with a camera and just traviling all of of hawii.

thailand. i want to go here beacuse of the beautiful oceans and big stone walls and just looks so beautiful.

grecce. i want to go to grecce becuase of the beautiful villages and water. i would be great to take pictures.


zahgye danax landfor in gansa china,
i want to go here because it look likes big pels of sand
this is a place on new zeland a cave where worms glow. i remeber this in a movie but never thought it was real in teal i ooked it up. it is amazing i can be thre fo ever and i would loe to,.

brazil. i would love to go here looks amazinh the environet all of it. i really would love to and the city an people and villages and i would take pictures of the villages.

new york. i really wan to go here i actually want to live here . i just feel like if i live here it would be bad because all bad things happen here but i just want to go to every top of this buildings and take pictures and paint pictures!!!

sydney. it just looks so beautiful to go to and i would really want to and people seem reat.

i want to go to the pyramids in egypt there so old and huge and look amazing so i want to g there.and ride cammels and take my best to see how big theyare