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what kind of photographs make you laugh?

photography makes me laugh in many ways. I remeber you always have to have fun with it which some times makes it funny. one reason is just funny pictures in general. weather its a funnny face or a funny a baby doing something funny. when an animal like a dog lays on his back witch if pretty funny to me. another thing is in a mad type of funny. sometimes in situations that are so irratateing you wanna laugh at what you didi or what the model did.other phots that make me laugh are like people laughing whitch make me laugh or smile from what they are doing. or by mistake you take a picture of someone that can be really funny. those are my faviorte type of picture that make me laugh. say you call someones name and they are off gaurd and when they turn around it just so funny. so its just pretty funny when soomething happens.people can be so funny and they dont mean to.sometimes i just go on google and look at funny people making funny faces if im down. bunnys for somereasons to they are cute and funnty. the way they sniff with there little nose is so funny to me.i also like when there are like qoutes under or above the picture and babies mostly have the perfect funny face to go with the qoute and i matches. the other type of photos that make me laugh are sometims serious photos. lik it is serious and i dont laugh but when i see a seriuos phot sometimes i have to laugh at it because like in my head why are they so serious consedering that what looks like from the back ground it shiuldnt be so seriuos. so it very funnt to me. obviosly there are sad phtots in which case you should never laugh but when is like seriuis joking it extreamly funny. that would want to be one of my faviorte tpes of laugh momment too! like i said babies are so funny like if your parents put something funny but cute on . you then post it. like puttuing a funny costum on. the other day i saw a really funny picture. it was about a 3 year old in a box like if she was a doll. it was really funny. i also saw a sian little gitl in a sushi roll whitch if funny and so cuteee.when you take a picture of your self in the front camera making funny faces to ake you self laugh and sometimes i jsut do it tomake others laugh like my mom. the funny thing if theres so many more pictures that make me laugh.

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