How do you treat an uncooperative model?
If a model was uncooperative I would be a little mad but make it work. So say for example I was a photographer for a toddler and she or he was not listing to me, I would let him play around and hive him things to focus on me. Like he can be surrounded by stuffed animals or something like that and just have fun with him like it weren’t a photoshoot. If it were a kid I wouldn’t send then to time out because it’s not like they want to take pictures. Most likely their parents make then so that wouldn’t really work. I would also talk to the little kid and see if that works. Know if it were an adult I would just talk to them and say “hey there are plenty of people here for the job and you can easily be cut off”. Also at the same time if you were model don’t you want the job? You wouldn’t want to be fired because you weren’t cooperating with the photographer. Being a photographer takes patient with anything your taking photos with is what I believe. Say your taking a picture of the sun set but its not giving you the right frame. Things like that and with a model your telling he or she to do this and do that, so I believe that it does take patients to be a photographer, I would also just talk to them. Or maybe there having a bad day. Then I would ask questions and talk to them because talking to them will probably make a huge difference to anyone really. Say for instance say the model id dosing off and hearing a word you say and not leaning then you just try asking polity to do what you want the model to do. If that does not work ask questions and just start talking to her or him, that. Not being rude might not help the situation and make the mad and more uncooperative. There are also pet models which I think its pretty hard. I have never takin pictures of any pets besides my dog, but I wonder how hard or even how easy it is to be a pet photographer. Its all about communication too. even if it were a baby i think that is the hardest modeling to do is being a photgrapher for a baby.